
To enter the garage that served as our first office in Silicon Valley, you had to walk through a door bearing these words from Ernest Shackleton:

for hazardous journey,
small wages,
bitter cold,
long months of complete darkness,
constant danger,
safe return doubtful,
honor and recognition
in case of success.

Our Mission

Make access to goods as frictionless and universal as access to information.

Our Core Values

Building Matternet, and at the same time building a new industry, is a tough challenge. It’s a mission that requires extreme levels of dedication, resilience, optimism and belief that can only be sustained within a team with strong values. These are the six values that guide our work everyday at Matternet.

  • Our technology can save or take a person’s life. We do not negotiate on the safety of the systems we design, build, and operate.

  • We work smart, not just hard. If our efforts are not yielding results, we pause and regroup. We deliver our product so that our system can deliver its payload, safely and reliably.

  • We win together and lose together. We are one another’s toughest critics, biggest challengers, and loudest supporters. We speak candidly and listen humbly. We are accountable to each other for our own contribution to the success of our mission.

  • We are innovative and inventive. We have the courage and discipline to explore the nonobvious path and to create original thoughts and things. We search relentlessly for aesthetic, simple solutions.

  • We are rigorous, intentional, and detail-oriented in our work. We plan upfront to grease the path to execution and prevent mistakes. We openly recognize and reflect on failure to improve our product and processes.

  • We design and build products to give everyone everywhere access to physical goods. With zero emissions aerial transport and ground infrastructure, we preserve our planet.

Our Vision