New Economies


The Challenge

Over a billion people worldwide lack access to all-season roads, leaving many rural communities in low-income countries without reliable access to essential goods and services, including medicine. This lack of infrastructure inhibits their ability to access everyday necessities and prevents them from participating in sustainable economic activities.

Despite significant investments, a massive infrastructure gap persists. In Africa alone, there is an annual funding gap of up to $100 billion for infrastructural development.

Can drone technology bridge these gaps? Can it revolutionize transportation and offer a solution where traditional methods have failed?

The Opportunity

The widespread adoption of cell networks has demonstrated how technology can reach even the most remote areas when it becomes reliable and affordable. This has enabled nearly universal access to information, especially in low-income countries where older communication technologies were too costly.

We believe drone technology can similarly provide universal access to physical goods. At Matternet, our mission is to make the delivery of goods as seamless and universal as the sharing of information. We are developing the technological infrastructure to support reliable, distributed drone delivery networks worldwide. These networks promise to enhance access to healthcare and commerce, making deliveries faster, more efficient, more ubiquitous, and greener.

Building a Modern Logistics Network

Matternet is a network. A small business in a remote rural community can establish a local network, creating nodes where they are most needed. As the network grows, additional nodes and routes increase traffic, reducing delivery costs.

Our goal is to develop drone technology that is robust, reliable, and affordable, enabling these networks to thrive globally. We envision these networks being owned and operated by local businesses, organizations, or governments, with Matternet's technology providing a safe, reliable, and user-friendly platform supported by our global software systems.

Building Together

We have partnered with the Government of Bhutan and the World Health Organization, Doctors Without Borders in Papua New Guinea, UNICEF in Malawi, and other organizations worldwide.

We knew that achieving the necessary level of reliability and economic viability would require tens of millions of dollars and over a decade of investment. Now, we are at the inflection point we’ve been working towards. We are eager to collaborate with your organization, business, or government to bring Matternet to your community.

Matternet Missions