Press Rachel Brand Press Rachel Brand

Digital SOS: How Technology Can Save the USPS

In the meantime, tech-savvy companies are forging ahead with services that promise to disrupt the parcel delivery industry. “Small flying vehicles will completely change the way we distribute small goods,” says Andreas Raptopoulos

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Press Rachel Brand Press Rachel Brand

How Matternet Wants To Bring Drone Delivery To The People Who Need It Most

A small Silicon Valley startup called Matternet has been developing drone delivery technology for several years now. The company’s co-founder and CEO Andreas Raptopoulos’ TED talk from this past summer about the potential to use small drones for delivery purposes has garnered more than 200,000 views since it was posted online last month — and perhaps helped to inspire Bezos himself

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Press Rachel Brand Press Rachel Brand

Low-Income Countries Might Get Drone Deliveries Before the U.S. Here’s Why.

A start-up called Matternet is plotting to build a drone-based package delivery service in low-income countries. Many rural roads in developing countries become inaccessible for months during the rainy season, cutting villages off from nearby cities. In those cases, lightweight, autonomous aircraft could be the fastest and most cost-effective way to move high-value cargo across the countryside.

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Press Rachel Brand Press Rachel Brand

Drones Can Save The World, Drones Can Destroy Us All

People told Andreas Raptopoulos it was a crazy idea when he and a few of his colleagues at Matternet started talking a couple of years ago about creating invisible highways for drones to deliver critical goods. But one billon people have to deal with lousy or nonexistent roads. And billions more in urban areas are tormented by traffic congestion. So Raptopoulos and his team forged on.

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Press Rachel Brand Press Rachel Brand

TEDGlobal: Are Drones Tools of War or a Social Good? Published

Speakers at the TEDGlobal conference have been debating the positive use of drones in society. Delegates heard how drones, more usually seen as military tools, are increasingly playing a positive role in civilian life. They are offering new ways of transportation and carrying out vital conservation work

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Press Rachel Brand Press Rachel Brand

Road to Nowhere: Could Drones be the Highways of The Future?

Going off-road used to mean tearing up dirt tracks in a powerful four-by-four or gigantic monster truck. For two ambitious tech start-ups however, the term has come to comprise something more subtle and potentially revolutionary. While the idea may sound far-fetched to those unfamiliar with the latest in civilian drone technology, preliminary vehicle testing has already taken place.

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